December 19th, 2014 - 14:00 § in Church, Medical

Medical Mission, a mustard seed

For several days they had left their practice, clinic, hospital or office: the nearly 40 Christian health professionals from across Senegal. Fellowship and empowerment were key words, transformation the theme. Jesus said that where injustice is fought and suffering alleviated, where people treat eac[...]

October 15th, 2014 - 21:32 § in Medical

On white coats and focus…

The work in the clinic Keru Yakaar is in full swing. It is rainy season which means a busy time with many patients. Many cases of diarrhea, respiratory infections and malaria are presented. Also skin infections are common in this humid climate with moderate hygiene. We still keep our preventive meas[...]

September 14th, 2014 - 10:12 § in Africa, Medical

At war with a virus

“Last week Friday the first Ebola case was confirmed in Dakar, and ever since we are in war.” The head doctor of the Northern Health District of Dakar has called for a crisis meeting for all Health Post leaders. The whole world now knows that Ebola arrived in Senegal, and international organizat[...]

September 3rd, 2014 - 19:08 § in Medical

Visa Versa

Wait for me !!! Before I realize it dr. Soh it is out of sight… A Senegalese man biking in Rotterdam, how will that end… Dr. Soh is a great example for me; an inspiring leader and humble follower of Jesus. And of course a medical doctor 🙂 He is in the Netherlands for an […][...]

August 5th, 2014 - 19:51 § in Family

What’s new?? The Netherlands after 3 years.

In the past three years, a lot has changed in The Netherlands. A selection from the series surprises of a Dutch African: Everyone seems to have bought a new bike in the past two years; including a front carrier…  Your style is now defined by your flower basket, crate of beer or wooden boxR[...]

April 14th, 2014 - 21:47 § in Medical

Mother and Child Center in 2014

“Your nutrition program is just amazing; you are doing a magnificent job! We refer all our malnourished children to you!” This compliment by the head physician of our health district counting 400.000 inhabitants is a confirmation that we are on the right track as Keru Yakaar. There is still inad[...]

Familie Kieviet in Senegal