Mané*, a staff member at the Christian Nursing School, has begun an ambitious project: palliative home care visits with church members. Care for the dying is little developed in the health care system, and culturally family members also struggle how to deal with this properly. Mané has a big heart for these patients and by working with the church there is the unique opportunity to get close to people, get to know a family and provide them with spiritual care.
Since its early beginnings, we have been involved as a mission with the Christian nursing school. Tabitha regularly teaches there and collaborates on the curriculum. In addition to the regular curriculum, there are several courses on holistic care from a biblical worldview. One of these is palliative care: care for the last phase of life in which home care as an important resource. Because our school is the first in the country to offer this subject, we have been designated by the government as a pilot.
We are extremely proud of Mané who has been chosen by the government for a working group to pioneer palliative care, still a new field in Senegal. She will receive additional training and her healthcare project with the church will be closely monitored. The classes already being taught at our nursing school are being attended by the committee. We are not only proud because Mané manages to involve the church in holistic care, we are also proud because the school now has a clear place in the healthcare system. This gives a good reputation and opportunity to train more students in holistic care in the future!
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