A small device that saves lives

In the conference room of the Dakar North regional hospital, about 20 doctors and paramedics meet for a training on emergency care. In an interactive lesson, our good friend and anesthesiologist Hans shares his knowledge and experience with the interested Senegalese colleagues. Two oximeters are donated to each participating hospital, a device for measuring oxygen levels in the blood, providing life-saving information.

The visit of our friends Hans and Jolanda is a great opportunity for training; a passion for both of them. Thanks to the extensive network that Tabitha has built over the years, nearly 50 health workers from 6 clinics and hospitals were reached in 3 training sessions. In addition to the ABC approach of severely ill patients, oximetry was also discussed. This can be life-saving in emergency situations related to the respiratory tract such as pneumonia or asthma attack. If there is no oxygen in a hospital then the patient can be referred in time.

In the dynamic lesson with practical workshops each participant learned how to use the oximeter. An emergency situation often causes stress and at such a moment it is essential to work systematically; it was great to be able to contribute to that approach. At the same time, we learned a lot about how healthcare is organized in Senegal and about the challenges our colleagues face daily. For the clinic, this opportunity has strengthened our relationships with the government hospitals and the mission hospital in a neighboring city.


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