Archive for the ‘Africa’ Category

March 1st, 2012 - 21:49 § in Africa, Medical, News

Working in a jungle hospital

“You are unique, there is nobody in the world like you. God has created you with talents and he has a place for you to show his love in this world.” The pastor pressed these encouraging words at the heart of the hospital staff this Tuesday morning. “It makes no sense to compare y[...]

February 11th, 2012 - 09:30 § in Africa, Family, News

Traveler’s Log: To Gabon

Wow, what a trip we had! Not only a long journey, but also a very successful and breathtaking journey! Hopefully the following pictures and report give a good impression of our experiences. Last Monday morning at 3 o’clock we stood beside our bed and we left to Schiphol in the freezing cold:[...]

December 14th, 2011 - 20:40 § in Africa

Chatter and Couscous

A language study is more than sitting behind books in a classroom. We have therefore gone out many times to practice our French. Jan joined an Alpha course every Tuesday evening; Tabitha joined a weekly Bible study, an internship with a family doctor and every Wednesday a cooking course with African[...]

December 14th, 2011 - 20:25 § in Africa, News

Unrest in Senegal

In the past Senegal had relatively peaceful transitions of presidents, yet this time there are great tensions. It started in the summer of 2011 with uprisings in Dakar (1, 2), which were also aimed at several churches (3). During the fall there have been many protests of the opposition. (4) In the l[...]

November 21st, 2011 - 21:50 § in Africa

Senegal – The Renaissance of Africa

In the spring of 2010 a large statue was unveiled at the coast of Dakar. This statue shows in a nice way some characteristics of the Senegalese culture. The statue is called “The Renaissance of Africa”. It represents an African family ascending from the earth towards the [...]

August 17th, 2011 - 22:53 § in Africa

These are our manners…

Is it really necessary to set aside such a long period of time for language study? We have wondered about this ourselves. We would have loved to start working immediately. Besides practical reasons (how can Tabitha work properly in a hospital without speaking the language…) there are also several [...]

May 4th, 2011 - 16:59 § in Africa, Medical

Mother and childcare in Senegal

The need for care during a pregnancy and the delivery is something I have experienced myself. Good medical care in the Netherlands is a right, but a luxury in big parts of the world. Without this care I would have most likely not survived my first delivery. And without proper medication to stop cont[...]

May 4th, 2011 - 16:40 § in Africa

Talibe Children

In the colorful city center of Rotterdam one can see on the front of a building the famous line from a poem of the Dutch poet Lucebert: “Everything of value is defenseless”. And what is more precious than the life of a child? Precious, but also defenseless. Entrusted to parents to take care of t[...]

March 2nd, 2011 - 15:01 § in Africa


We are being sent out by CAMA Missions. This is a Dutch organization, which is connected to the American Christian and Missionary Alliance (CMA). We have chosen for this organization because we agree with their vision, theology and methods of working. As our vision is to go for long-term, we think i[...]

March 1st, 2011 - 17:31 § in Africa, Medical

Plans for medical work

Working as a medical doctor in Senegal will be a big step for which I will never be prepared well enough. Still I feel confirmed that God will give me the strength I need, just as He has done until now. From my background as a Medical Doctor specialized in Tropical Medicine, Mother and Child [&helli[...]

Familie Kieviet in Senegal