Archive for the ‘News’ Category

April 23rd, 2020 - 09:55 § in Africa, Church, Medical, News, Support

Corona relief fund

Fatoumata cannot afford her medicines. She had planned to sell one of her sheep before coming to the clinic, but the cattle market has been canceled for some time. She has diabetes but living without medicines can cause serious complications. For patients like Fatoumata who come to the Dahra clinic,[...]

October 28th, 2012 - 11:01 § in Africa, Medical, News

Albinism in Senegal

In an empty classroom, armed with only a stethoscope, first aid kit and prescription pad I provide a free clinic for people with albinism (popularly called albinos) in Senegal. I provide basic care, give information and hand-out sunscreen. It is October 13, a national day for people with albinism, o[...]

September 3rd, 2012 - 17:53 § in News, Support


At ten o’clock in the morning adrenaline rushes through my body… I receive a call that the container will be released from the harbour TODAY, and perhaps even before noon! I quickly call those who are going to help unload and have been standby for a week. And I call the three projects fo[...]

August 25th, 2012 - 00:06 § in Family, Medical, News

When the rain comes…

“My wife and children could not sleep in a dry place” says Boubacar, one of the clinic’s guards. He lives in Grand Yoff, an area that was seriously flooded after the heavy rains last week. Because the clinic is slightly elevated, he was able to bring his family over to spend the night [...]

March 1st, 2012 - 21:49 § in Africa, Medical, News

Working in a jungle hospital

“You are unique, there is nobody in the world like you. God has created you with talents and he has a place for you to show his love in this world.” The pastor pressed these encouraging words at the heart of the hospital staff this Tuesday morning. “It makes no sense to compare y[...]

February 11th, 2012 - 09:30 § in Africa, Family, News

Traveler’s Log: To Gabon

Wow, what a trip we had! Not only a long journey, but also a very successful and breathtaking journey! Hopefully the following pictures and report give a good impression of our experiences. Last Monday morning at 3 o’clock we stood beside our bed and we left to Schiphol in the freezing cold:[...]

December 14th, 2011 - 20:25 § in Africa, News

Unrest in Senegal

In the past Senegal had relatively peaceful transitions of presidents, yet this time there are great tensions. It started in the summer of 2011 with uprisings in Dakar (1, 2), which were also aimed at several churches (3). During the fall there have been many protests of the opposition. (4) In the l[...]

Familie Kieviet in Senegal