Corona relief fund

Fatoumata cannot afford her medicines. She had planned to sell one of her sheep before coming to the clinic, but the cattle market has been canceled for some time. She has diabetes but living without medicines can cause serious complications. For patients like Fatoumata who come to the Dahra clinic, there is support from the relief fund.

The corona crisis is currently impacting the entire world. In Senegal, too, daily life has largely ceased for several weeks, schools are closed, meetings are prohibited, and traveling between regions is prohibited. The number of illnesses is steadily increasing in Senegal, but the economic consequences of the crisis are already enormous. We have decided to stay and help Christian clinics from our network and the local church where possible. Our relief fund proves to be not in vain.

Protective equipment such as face masks and gloves are a must for healthcare personnel, for their own protection and that of the patients. Worldwide there is a shortage and the price of a simple face mask has increased tenfold in a month. We are trying to support the protection of healthcare personnel in our network and the clinic where Tabitha works.

At the church in North Dakar, the pastor hands out small sacks of rice to neighbors who have no income since the crisis. The church is small and not very strong, but with what little they have, they help in the neighborhood. The church has good contact with neighbors and residents, and now that the need is high, she takes her position. With a small investment from the relief fund, the pastor has re-established his chicken farm on the roof of the church, generating income for his family and the neighborhood.

The music studio where Jan works with the singer Bernard on gospel music is a meeting place for artists. At the moment there is little activity and little income, also with regard to the guesthouse. Although the studio itself needs support from the relief fund, the staff has suggested helping some neighbors with food. Right next to the studio is a small slum community and the crisis is hard on the day laborers who live there.

Sulei* is a nurse that Tabitha has worked with a lot in the past. He has a heart for children who live in Koran schools. Now that the children are not allowed to beg, there is a shortage of income and food. Because the parents of many of the children are not in the picture, they cannot go home and there is a risk of transmission of the virus in the schools. Sulei helps with information and equipment for better hygiene and sometimes with food.

Today our immediate friends also need help more often and we expect that the longer the crisis lasts, the greater the need will be. Do you want to help?

From The Netherlands you can support through Cama Zending ref. Corona Noodfonds Senegal

CAMA Zending – Driebergen
IBAN: NL76 ABNA 0484 6740 48
In description: Corona Noodfonds Senegal

From the USA you can support through reference: Janus Kieviet Work Senegal or Equipping Medical Missions


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Familie Kieviet in Senegal