For several days they had left their practice, clinic, hospital or office: the nearly 40 Christian health professionals from across Senegal. Fellowship and empowerment were key words, transformation the theme. Jesus said that where injustice is fought and suffering alleviated, where people treat each other well, there the Kingdom of God arrives. Something changes, transformation occurs.
As doctors and nurses we encounter injustice and suffering on a daily basis. How should we react as Christians and can we bring healing? Can we as Christian professionals and mission clinics really contribute to the health care in Senegal? It sounds like big mission for such a small group of people, almost impossible. But God can even use something as small as a mustard seed and grow it into a big tree.
A number of experienced doctors gave lectures and in small groups we shared experiences: “How do I find good staff? How can I continue to operate professionally? How do I deal with patients who can’t afford the treatment? How many patients can I see in one day without lowering my standard of care? How can I organize refresher courses? How do I organize my new health post? How do I maintain good relations with the authorities?” On most questions someone else has an answer or a good idea. The importance of this gathering becomes most clear as we depart. Everyone asks when we see each other again and contact information is exchanged. 40 Christian professionals, coming from their own projects or work, now as they leave they’ve become a network with a common mission. Might this be the beginning of transformation?