For almost an hour I drive through the busy traffic in the suburbs of Dakar. Tarmac, sand, garbage, animals and lots of people. The taxi stops at the town hall of one of the largest suburbs of Dakar Guédiawaye. Poverty and social problems are a daily reality. A small church has taken the initiative to organize a large medical campaign. Two days of free consultations with various preventive services such as blood pressure, and screening for diabetes, cervical cancer and malnutrition. All this in close cooperation with the mayor and local health authorities.
I was part of the organization advising on the medical aspects and decide join for the day and offer a helping hand. And to be honest, I am very curious to see how this bold plan will turn out. Hundreds of people are already waiting at the door when I arrive. Inside, government staff and a team of Christian medical professionals from our network are running around in an effort to build up a complete clinic. Together with the pastor I try to bring some order in this chaos as I start to wonder what we’ve gotten ourselves into…
Once in my consulting room, my mind changes completely. I see people who are more ill than expected with long-neglected complaints such as skin diseases and chronic diseases. A number of kindergarten teachers arrives bringing their pupils. It strikes me how many children are sick in the classroom; fever, ear infections with ear discharge, congenital heart disease and asthma. The nicely uniformed children try to learn something, but I can’t help wanting to put them to bed and tuck them in with a hot water bottle. We can only spend little time and attention on each patient, but it is so needed and very warmly welcomed.
The community health workers give health instructions to the people waiting in line as I seize the opportunity to do an interactive lesson on malnutrition with about 80 women. It is a unique partnership between church and state. The prayer of the pastor at the start of the day still resounds “Let God’s love and care be visible this day, dedicated to the health of the people of Guédiawaye”.